Invest in our Christian Future
To assure that today's students grasp and carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to future generations, we must not only give them the message, we must equip them to do so.
Addison's Walk Institute believes that orthodox Christianity belongs at the table of ideas and will make that happen in Scranton with your help. Here's how:
Initial Start-Up & Ongoing Support
In order to open its doors and maintain its presence, Addison's Walk Institute will need to raise $122,000 per year. These funds will provide a full-time salary for the Executive Director and one staff member. It will also allow the Center to host debates and bring in speakers for lecture series on pertinent topics (learn more about AWI's Pillar Activities). This modest amount is low because there is absolutely no overhead to run this program.
Checks may be made out to Addison's Walk Institute and sent to:
Addison's Walk Institute for Christian Studies
PO Box 1082
Scranton, PA 18510
Addison's Walk Institute for Christian Studies is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Residential Program
Our Capital Campaign will raise funds in order to secure either a large Victorian house or multi-family dwelling located in the Hill Section of Scranton. This property will then allow us to begin a residential program for undergraduate and graduate students who wish to be more involved with the the academic community and church.
This residence will offer sabbatical lodging to the great minds of Christendom. Other plans for the use of this residence include:
We will give them free space in exchange for leading seminars and offering talks.
By fall 2014 we will have five courses/seminars that will be offered on a rotating basis. These will be offered to university personnel as well as anyone within the community.
We are working on a partnership with a Christian institution of higher learning in order to offer college-level credit should one desire.
We plan on offering academic scholarship for a “student fellows” program.
We will work with our donor base in order to provide true financial support for the serious student who wishes to study and learn within an academic and community environment.